My Journey

Welcome to my very first blog post!

This post is about my journey into Natural Medicine, Naturopathy and Lifestyle.

What drives me in life?  I am fascinated with nature and the presentation of its resources in field of health and wellness; and  my passion is to be a partner with the people I meet in their journey towards health, wellness and lifestyle change in achieving their goals.

The journey in this field actually began over 20 years ago. Before then I had a strong desire to do postgraduate studies in any of the field of Medicine, Law or Linguistics. The search for the appropriate discipline lead me to go for a postgraduate diploma/ certificate in Pharmacy Technician and got certified in the course. However, the practice of it both in the community and hospital pharmacies left a bad taste in my mouth.

In any case, here I am  because fate has a different take for me. Just to state the fact, this field of study found me ,I didn’t find it. When it finally located me and exposed itself to me my heart fell for it, and as the saying goes, ‘the rest is history.’


So, why am I writing this blog you may ask?, We are always told that once there’s a dis-ease on-set in the body we have no other choice but to live and manage it with prescription meds. Disclaimer here; there is nothing wrong with proper use of  medications with professional supervision.

 But, have we given some thought to our genetic makeup and how it reacts to the foods we eat, environmental influences; and other factors like emotional, mental, psychological  and their roles that are not diagnosable. The impacts by these are referred to as ‘Psychosomatic’ dis-ease. I am sure some of us have heard this from our doctor(s), we can’t find what is wrong with you and maybe it is in your head.

Nevertheless, this write-up is to stir up in you the urge to revolutionize your health by searching out information regarding your genetic roots and natural resources that will help you live out your life without accumulation of morbid matters. I did it and still doing that because it a lifestyle journey. But, I must say here that changing a long established lifestyle is not as easy as it sounds. There’s going to be mental, emotional and psychological resistance because of acquired taste. But come to think of it, is it more profitable health wise to stay on a health destructive lifestyle, or making a choice to feed the body with all it needs to function optimally and ultimately attaining a homeostatic balance within its environment?.


So here I am journeying along meeting new interesting and very valuable friends across the globe. For me, it is for life-time. Here’s is my invitation for you to join me in this adventure  train of  health and wellness using natural resources with all its benefits.

Hop on and let’s roll. See you in the next blog.

To your health and wellness,

Dr. Ifeoma Edoziem